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Zombies A-Z

Couverture du livre « Zombies A-Z » de Oliver Dan aux éditions Blake John Digital
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A is for...Army of Darkness. Find out how Sam Raimi's epic adventure Evil Dead III: Army of Darkness changed the Zombie movie genre forever. B is for...Braaaains! Learn all about the undead's favourite food and find out which film introduced one of the greatest movie cliches of all time. C is... Voir plus

A is for...Army of Darkness. Find out how Sam Raimi's epic adventure Evil Dead III: Army of Darkness changed the Zombie movie genre forever. B is for...Braaaains! Learn all about the undead's favourite food and find out which film introduced one of the greatest movie cliches of all time. C is for...The Cabinet of Dr.Calligari. Find out about one of the earliest films ever to portray a zombie, and how the living dead became an essential part of the horror genre. All this and more, including...Everything you've ever wanted to know about Bruce Campbell, George A.Romero and Michael Jackson's Thriller, and all the inside info on all your favourite Zombie movies and TV shows, from Zombieland to The Walking Dead.

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