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The Dreaming Sex

Couverture du livre « The Dreaming Sex » de Ashley Mike aux éditions Owen Peter Publishers
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It is commonly believed that until recently science fiction was the sole domain of men and that it had been male writers who developed the genre. Whilst this was true to a degree, the contribution made by women writers has been cruelly underestimated. After all, Frankenstein, generally reckoned... Voir plus

It is commonly believed that until recently science fiction was the sole domain of men and that it had been male writers who developed the genre. Whilst this was true to a degree, the contribution made by women writers has been cruelly underestimated. After all, Frankenstein, generally reckoned as the first true work of science fiction, was by a woman, Mary Shelley, and one of the first utopian works written in America was also by a woman, Mary Griffith. The Dreaming Sexbrings together a selection of early science fiction short stories all by women, including an introduction that highlights the contribution made by women in the early development of the field and shows the different perspective they cast on their thoughts of the wonders or fears that technological and scientific advances may bring. A companion volume to his acclaimed The Darker Sex, Mike Ashley's latest collection is more essential reading rare jewels of Victorian fiction by female writers including Mary Shelley, Clare Winger Harris, Adeline Knapp and many others.

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