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Summary: How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci : Review and Analysis of Gelb's Book

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This work offers a summary of the book «HOW TO THINK LIKE LEONARDO DA VINCI: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day» by Michael J. Gelb.

Leonardo da Vinci was undoubtedly a genius in both the arts and the sciences, achieving feats in both arenas that are still astonishing today. However, by... Voir plus

This work offers a summary of the book «HOW TO THINK LIKE LEONARDO DA VINCI: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day» by Michael J. Gelb.

Leonardo da Vinci was undoubtedly a genius in both the arts and the sciences, achieving feats in both arenas that are still astonishing today. However, by analyzing his life and work it's possible to see that a lot of his accomplishments were the result of practical, day-to-day measures, and the right mindset. The Renaissance was one of the most creative, and technologically exciting in history; the modern era is also characterized with technological breakthroughs and innovation.

Gelb argues persuasively that, therefore, it is appropriate to look to Da Vinci for hints and clues on how to manage change creatively and productively. He guides the reader through Da Vinci's philosophy on life and work, from Curiosita (The Quest for Continuous Learning), to, amongst others, Sfumato (Be Comfortable With Ambiguity) and Dimostrazione (Test Knowledge through Practical Experience). Gelb takes each idea and explains how to implement them into your business life: for example, set a theme for a day, contemplate and write about that theme to come up with goals. Incorporate the phrase «What if..?» into your business strategy. This book shows compellingly that the combination of logical thought and creativity can be extremely powerful.

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