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Second bloom: cathy graham s art of the table

Couverture du livre « Second bloom: cathy graham s art of the table » de Clark Alexis aux éditions Vendome Press

Artist, collector, and entertaining guru Cathy Graham shares her secrets for gracious living and memorable get-togethers in Second Bloom. Graham covers the essential elements that make every event shine - flowers, paper components, table setting, and food presentation. Quentin Bacon''s... Voir plus

Artist, collector, and entertaining guru Cathy Graham shares her secrets for gracious living and memorable get-togethers in Second Bloom. Graham covers the essential elements that make every event shine - flowers, paper components, table setting, and food presentation. Quentin Bacon''s photographs of a seaside gathering, a casual cocktail party, or a lively dinner in honor of a friend show how to achieve winning possibilities with ease. Approaching life with a sense of whimsy, Graham demonstrates how to arrange flowers and create original touches, such as hand-drawn one-of kind invitations or her practice of scattering collectable miniatures on her dinner tables. Filled with Graham''s charming sketches, Second Bloom shows how to create truly special occasions.

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