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One Question

Couverture du livre « One Question » de Coleman Ken aux éditions Howard Books
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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Albert Einstein once said, 'To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.' What is true of science, I'm convinced, is true in all of life.
Great questions are often the keys that unlock... Voir plus

Albert Einstein once said, 'To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.' What is true of science, I'm convinced, is true in all of life.
Great questions are often the keys that unlock possibilities for human advancement. That truth has been proven again and again throughout human history, as great interviewers from Bob Costas to Barbara Walters have captivated audiences and ignited imaginations. In a world where the messages of public figures and politicians are carefully crafted by publicists and media consultants, we often receive only partial pictures and manipulated facts. The right questions uncover truths we might not otherwise know. They pull back the curtain on the wizard and give us a more accurate view of reality. -'Excerpt from the Introduction If you could sit down with the people you most admire and ask just one question, what would you ask? One Question invites you to peer over the shoulder of a master interviewer with access to today's best and brightest as he delivers carefully crafted questions and collects answers guaranteed to surprise, challenge, and inspire. - What is Coach Tony Dungy's advice for achieving success while maintaining integrity? - What advice does Malcolm Gladwell give parents about instilling a work ethic in our children? - How does President Jimmy Carter suggest we continue forward and reinvent ourselves in new seasons? - What does Robin McGraw have to say to women about reaching their full potential both inside and outside their homes?

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