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Working with Mean Girls

Couverture du livre « Working with Mean Girls » de Fuller Meredith aux éditions Penguin Books Ltd Digital
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What do you do when the Queen Bee has you in her sights, demanding to know whey you haven't done the report she never asked for?

What do you do when the colleague you thought was your friend takes all the credit for the project you worked on together?

There are nasty, manipulative and... Voir plus

What do you do when the Queen Bee has you in her sights, demanding to know whey you haven't done the report she never asked for?

What do you do when the colleague you thought was your friend takes all the credit for the project you worked on together?

There are nasty, manipulative and destructive women in some workplaces who glide under the radar while the ruthless alpha males get all the bad press. Trouble is, it's hard to speak about catty behaviour when it's insidious or goes on behind your back. Yet you know something's wrong: you've stressed to the max and you hate the job you used to love.

It feels personal. But the good news is that bitchiness at work is rarely about you. Beneath their powerful exteriors, mean girls are insecure, fearful and craving attention. They can't help themselves, but you can avoid their sting.

Offering practical advice and using fascinating case studies, psychologist Meredith Fuller shows you how to recognise and manage difficult women at work.

Don't let mean girls spoil your career or ruin your health - learn how to protect yourself.

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