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The Simple Diet

Couverture du livre « The Simple Diet » de Gustafson Nancy J aux éditions Penguin Group Us
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Lose up to 50 pounds in 12 weeks with a doctor's proven plan for losing weight-quickly, easily, and permanently. No counting, no measuring, no hassle.
If you have tried to lose weight and failed, or lost weight and failed to keep it off, you're not alone. Two out of three Americans are ... Voir plus

Lose up to 50 pounds in 12 weeks with a doctor's proven plan for losing weight-quickly, easily, and permanently. No counting, no measuring, no hassle.
If you have tried to lose weight and failed, or lost weight and failed to keep it off, you're not alone. Two out of three Americans are overweight, many with between thirty and one hundred pounds to lose. Now Dr. James W. Anderson, a professor of medicine and clinical nutrition at the University of Kentucky, shares his groundbreaking, scientifically based nutritional plan that has already helped thousands of Americans lose weight-sometimes more than one hundred pounds-and keep it off permanently. It can also help you:
Lower cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar. Reverse type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other obesity-related health conditions. Decrease your risk for type 2 diabetes and its related consequences. Eliminate the need for dangerous (and expensive) gastric bypass surgery. Help you feel better about yourself and enjoy your life!
Best of all, you can use prepared foods that are easy to find in the supermarket. There's no calorie counting. No measuring. No guesswork. And if you stick with this easy-to-follow plan-as thousands of people already have-there's a nearly foolproof guarantee of success. Lifelong success. Many people have changed their eating habits and improved their health by using this program. Now it's your turn.

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