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The Jane Austen Miscellany

Couverture du livre « The Jane Austen Miscellany » de Berry Harry aux éditions History Press Digital
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Jane Austen is the world's bestselling novelist - 200 years after her death. We seem to have a never-ending appetite for the swooning of Sense & Sensibility; smouldering passion of Pride & Prejudice - resulting in a near constant supply of film adaptations and spin-off books. The fan market for... Voir plus

Jane Austen is the world's bestselling novelist - 200 years after her death. We seem to have a never-ending appetite for the swooning of Sense & Sensibility; smouldering passion of Pride & Prejudice - resulting in a near constant supply of film adaptations and spin-off books. The fan market for Austen - the Austenites - is huge and international. Her novels are about to celebrate their bicentennials (Sense & Sensibility 2011). 30,000 visitors each years vist Chawton, Hampshire and the Jane Austen Centre in Bath. This book will reveal the real Jane: bitchy, gossipy, badly behaved at times as well as show the side we all love: the writer, sister, true romantic.

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