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Stop Procrastinating and Get Things Done: Teach Yourself Ebook Epub

Couverture du livre « Stop Procrastinating and Get Things Done: Teach Yourself Ebook Epub » de Tannock Adrian aux éditions Hodder Education Digital
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Do you ever find yourself putting off something that you need to do but you don't want to do? Even though you know you are doing it? And even though it makes you feel guilty? If so, you are one of millions of procrastinators, and this book can help you. Unlike other books on the subject, it... Voir plus

Do you ever find yourself putting off something that you need to do but you don't want to do? Even though you know you are doing it? And even though it makes you feel guilty? If so, you are one of millions of procrastinators, and this book can help you. Unlike other books on the subject, it starts by explaining the common causes of procrastination, which can range from the psychological (fear of failure, or performance anxiety) to the practical (the task is boring or repulsive). This understanding will form the first step of your journey from procrastination to productivity - a journey in which you will be accompanied all the way by Adrian Tannock, an ex-procrastinator who is now a prolific author and coach, with qualifications in hypnotherapy and NLP.

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