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Implications of economic policy for food security. training materials for agricultural planning n.40

Couverture du livre « Implications of economic policy for food security. training materials for agricultural planning n.40 » de  aux éditions Fao
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Fao
  • EAN : 9789251043790
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

Food security, assuring to all human beings the physical and economic access to the basic foods they need, is a broad, cross-cutting issue which has implications for a number of different sectors in the economy.
Food security is often associated with food self-sufficiency and the need... Voir plus

Food security, assuring to all human beings the physical and economic access to the basic foods they need, is a broad, cross-cutting issue which has implications for a number of different sectors in the economy.
Food security is often associated with food self-sufficiency and the need to grow more food. However, in reality it has much stronger links with issues of poverty, employment and income generation. For low income economies, where a large percentage of the population live in rural areas and depend on agriculture for their income, increasing food production may be an important element in increasing food security, but only because it increases small farmer income. In this manual, we set out a framework for assessing food security in an economy, and develop a model for evaluating the impact of economic policy measures, and in particular the package of policy measures often referred to as adjustment policy, on food security in a country. This manual has been produced as part of FAO's overall commitment to providing training materials in food and agricultural policy analysis. In particular, FAO sees the need to improve the capabilities of agencies dealing in both food and agricultural policy and macro-economic policy in understanding and allowing for the cross relationships of macro- and sectoral policies and to assess their impact on the rural population. It differs from other approaches to agricultural policy analysis, in so far as it does not primarily address such issues as policy impact on the functioning of agricultural markets, or the trade-off between different policy goals.
Here, we are interested in how policy measures, undertaken for macro-economic objectives, affect the availability and access to food at the individual and household level. We also examine options for improving food security in the short-term which are consistent with longer-term macro-economic stability.

The manual is being published shortly after the World Food Summit, held in Rome at FAO headquarters, in November 1996. It is hoped that the World Food Summit will give renewed impetus to tackling issues of food security and that this manual will prove a useful tool in improving understanding of a complex, multi-sectoral issue.

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