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William Cordova ; spacial

Couverture du livre « William Cordova ; spacial » de  aux éditions Dap Artbook

Taking William Cordova's (born 1971) exhibition ankaylli: spatial and ideological terrain at Marfa Contemporary as a point of departure, this publication highlights the way the artist (who was born in Lima and is based in Miami) layers referents and histories across cultures. Bringing together a... Voir plus

Taking William Cordova's (born 1971) exhibition ankaylli: spatial and ideological terrain at Marfa Contemporary as a point of departure, this publication highlights the way the artist (who was born in Lima and is based in Miami) layers referents and histories across cultures. Bringing together a constellation of Cordova's artworks in a wide variety of medium--sculptures, collages, Polaroids, a video, objects around town, a free newspaper and a website--in which Pre-Columbian traditions, modern art and architecture, and spiritualism overlap, the exhibition stages these objects in the fitting home of Marfa, a town equally known for Native American history, minimalism and star-gazing. This book includes references to all three: stepped pyramid patterns, geometric concrete forms and symbols of the cosmos.

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