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Our Australian Girl: Poppy and the Thief (Book 3)

Couverture du livre « Our Australian Girl: Poppy and the Thief (Book 3) » de Wang Gabrielle aux éditions Penguin Books Ltd Digital
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It's 1864 . . .

And Poppy is on the road again, heading to the town of Wahgunyah. On the way she meets a stranger who seems to know something about her past, and her special letter with the red tiger seal. But the more time she spends with this boy, the more difficult he becomes. Should... Voir plus

It's 1864 . . .

And Poppy is on the road again, heading to the town of Wahgunyah. On the way she meets a stranger who seems to know something about her past, and her special letter with the red tiger seal. But the more time she spends with this boy, the more difficult he becomes. Should Poppy trust him?

Join Poppy again on her adventure in the third of four exciting stories about a Gold Rush girl who dreams of a better life.

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