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On the Crow and Other Stories

Couverture du livre « On the Crow and Other Stories » de Robert A. Poirier aux éditions Baraka Books
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  • Thème : Non attribué
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

From love lost on a canoe trip, clashing values and naked conflict between natives and newcomers, to the barroom and prison enforcer straight out of a Johnny Cash song, Poirier writes vividly about the people and land he loves and inhabits. In five stories and one novella, readers escape the... Voir plus

From love lost on a canoe trip, clashing values and naked conflict between natives and newcomers, to the barroom and prison enforcer straight out of a Johnny Cash song, Poirier writes vividly about the people and land he loves and inhabits. In five stories and one novella, readers escape the big city, live in the wilds or small tough towns, and experience the challenges of nature and human nature in all their complexities.

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