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Letters From High Latitudes

Couverture du livre « Letters From High Latitudes » de Lord Dufferin aux éditions Ebookslib
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Our start has not been prosperous. Yesterday evening, on passing Carlisle, a telegraphic message was put into my hand, announcing the fact of the Foam having been obliged to put into Holyhead, in consequence of the sudden illness of my Master. As the success of our expedition entirely depends on... Voir plus

Our start has not been prosperous. Yesterday evening, on passing Carlisle, a telegraphic message was put into my hand, announcing the fact of the Foam having been obliged to put into Holyhead, in consequence of the sudden illness of my Master. As the success of our expedition entirely depends on our getting off before the season is further advanced, you can understand how disagreeable it is to have received this check at its very outset

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