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Five for Sorrow Ten for Joy

Couverture du livre « Five for Sorrow Ten for Joy » de Godden Rumer aux éditions Little Brown Book Group Digital
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One of our best and most captivating novelists' Philip Hensher The Sisters of Béthanie, a French order of Dominican nuns, dedicate themselves to caring for the outcasts of society: criminals, prostitutes and drug addicts. Lise, an English girl who after the liberation of Paris was employed in... Voir plus

One of our best and most captivating novelists' Philip Hensher The Sisters of Béthanie, a French order of Dominican nuns, dedicate themselves to caring for the outcasts of society: criminals, prostitutes and drug addicts. Lise, an English girl who after the liberation of Paris was employed in one of the city's smartest brothels and rose to become a successful madame, finds her life at a turning point as she joins the Sisters. Master storyteller Rumer Godden weaves a vivid and deeply moving tale of Lise's prison sentence, her conversion and the agonising work among women whose traumatic experiences often outstrip even her own.

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