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Amir Biglari

Amir Biglari
Amir Biglari is a research associate at the Sorbonne University, and teaches at the University of Picardy Jules Verne. His research interests lie primarily in the epistemology and methodology of semiotics, with a particular focus on the ways in which semiotic studies intersect with other fields. ... Voir plus
Amir Biglari is a research associate at the Sorbonne University, and teaches at the University of Picardy Jules Verne. His research interests lie primarily in the epistemology and methodology of semiotics, with a particular focus on the ways in which semiotic studies intersect with other fields. He has served as editor for several collective books in this perspective, notably La Sémiotique en interface (2018) and La Sémiotique et son autre (2019).