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Uzbekistan living treasures - celebration of craftsmanship

Couverture du livre « Uzbekistan living treasures - celebration of craftsmanship » de Assouline/Hamani aux éditions Assouline
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Assouline
  • EAN : 9781649800756
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

Zbekistan's arts and crafts culture goes back millennia, to the days of the Great Silk Road. Its skills and techniques have been tightly preserved through a culture of transmission, passed down from generation to generation-from usto (master) to shogird (young artisan).
From potters to... Voir plus

Zbekistan's arts and crafts culture goes back millennia, to the days of the Great Silk Road. Its skills and techniques have been tightly preserved through a culture of transmission, passed down from generation to generation-from usto (master) to shogird (young artisan).
From potters to embroiderers, blacksmiths to wood carvers, goldsmiths to jewelers, Uzbekistan's craftspeople produce truly special items of the finest skills and materials. These include Suzani, silk fabrics, gold embroidery, ornamental knives, intricate jewelry, handmade carpets, miniature paintings and ceramics that come in a kaleidoscope of patterns and colors. With the rise and prevalence of industrialism and the standards of mass production, these unique items handmade by craftsmen have truly become a special luxury.
Created by Yaffa Assouline and images by Laziz Hamani, Living Treasures: Celebration of Craftsmanship is an intimate invitation to discover the arts and crafts of Uzbekistan through some of its talented artisans. The images and dynamic range of work will make readers discover the country and link the glory of the past with the passion of the present, with the craftsmen preserving and innovating in traditional applied arts. The book will be available within the Assouline Classics collection with a silk hardcover, as well as in the Ultimate collection featuring an embroidered fabric clamshell.

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