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The Portable Emerson

Couverture du livre « The Portable Emerson » de Emerson Ralph W. aux éditions Adult Pbs
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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This volume, edited by Carl Bode in collaboration with Malcolm Cowley, presents the essential Emerson, selected from works that eloquently express the philosophy of a worldly idealist. The Portable Emerson comprises essays, including History, Self-Reliance, The Over-Soul, Circles, and The Poet;... Voir plus

This volume, edited by Carl Bode in collaboration with Malcolm Cowley, presents the essential Emerson, selected from works that eloquently express the philosophy of a worldly idealist. The Portable Emerson comprises essays, including History, Self-Reliance, The Over-Soul, Circles, and The Poet; Emersons first book, Nature, in its entirety; twenty-two poems, including Uriel, The Humble-Bee, and Give All to Love; orations, including The American Scholar, The Fugitive Slave Law, and John Brown; English Traits, complete; and biographical essays on Plato, Napoleon, Henry David Thoreau, Thomas Carlyle, and others.

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