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Sleeping With Mozart

Couverture du livre « Sleeping With Mozart » de Church Anthea aux éditions Little Brown Book Group Digital
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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This is a novel about a charming, funny and - undeniably - slightly eccentric young woman's attempts to get over a broken heart. She is trying hard to be purposeful and strong, which by nature she is, but right now, she's out of sorts and at odds with life and herself.

Her lover, Jamie, has... Voir plus

This is a novel about a charming, funny and - undeniably - slightly eccentric young woman's attempts to get over a broken heart. She is trying hard to be purposeful and strong, which by nature she is, but right now, she's out of sorts and at odds with life and herself.

Her lover, Jamie, has called things off, saying he cannot give her everything she deserves. What he can give her, less usefully, is an exhaustive list of reasons why it would never work. And so Dorcas - her parents have a lot to answer for - tries to move on (dating? great!), but that is hard to do when staying stuck where she is, even with all its attendant misery, seems preferable. Is missing Jamie better, after all, than no Jamie at all?

SLEEPING WITH MOZART is a winning and sardonic tale of love, heartbreak and consequences that even Dorcas, the supreme self-examiner, never saw coming.

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