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Say Goodbye to the Cuckoo

Couverture du livre « Say Goodbye to the Cuckoo » de Mc Carthy Michael aux éditions Murray John Digital
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If we could see it as a whole, if they all arrived in a single flock, say, we would be truly amazed: sixteen million birds. Swallows, martins, swifts, warblers, wagtails, wheatears, cuckoos, chats, nightingales, nightjars, thrushes, pipits and flycatchers pouring into Britain from sub-Saharan... Voir plus

If we could see it as a whole, if they all arrived in a single flock, say, we would be truly amazed: sixteen million birds. Swallows, martins, swifts, warblers, wagtails, wheatears, cuckoos, chats, nightingales, nightjars, thrushes, pipits and flycatchers pouring into Britain from sub-Saharan Africa. It is one of the enduring wonders of the natural world.Each bird faces the most daunting of journeys -navigating epic distances,dependent on bodily fuel reserves.Yet none can refuse. Since pterodactyls flew,twice-yearly odysseys have been the lot of migrant birds.For us, formillennia, the Great Arrival has been celebrated. From The Song of Solomon,through Keats' OdeTo a Nightingale, to our thrill at hearing thefirst cuckoocall each year, the spring-bringersare timeless heraldsof sharedseasonal joy.Yet, migrant birds are finding it increasingly hard to make the perilous journeys across the African desert. Say Goodbye to the Cuckoo isa moving call to arms by an impassioned expert:get outside, teach your children about these birds, don't let them disappear from our shores and hearts.

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