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Narrative Of The Life And Travels Of Serjeant B

Couverture du livre « Narrative Of The Life And Travels Of Serjeant B » de Robert Butler aux éditions Culturea
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Culturea
  • EAN : 9791041983896
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

I was born of poor but respectable parents, in the town of Peebles, county
of Tweeddale, upon the 3d day of April, 1784. Under their nursing care I
remained until I was four years of age, when I was sent to my grandfather
in Darnick, from whom I received any little education I ever got.... Voir plus

I was born of poor but respectable parents, in the town of Peebles, county
of Tweeddale, upon the 3d day of April, 1784. Under their nursing care I
remained until I was four years of age, when I was sent to my grandfather
in Darnick, from whom I received any little education I ever got. Being
then too young for school, my grandmother was very attentive in giving
me instruction as I was able to bear it; and before I was five years of age,
when I was sent to school, I could repeat various psalms, hymns, and
passages of Scripture. She employed herself frequently in spinning on the
lint wheel, at which time I used to sit at her side, learning verses which she
would rehearse to me. I was placed here somewhat like Timothy with his
grandmother Lois; for from what I myself recollect, and especially from the
testimony of some pious Christians yet living, she was a very eminent
character. She laboured much to give me a high veneration for the Supreme
Being, in so much that, when I could read a little, I was struck with a kind
of reverential dread at the words Lord or God, when I saw them in the
Bible; but I could form no kind of notion what this Great Being could be.
As I grew older, my wonder was so far gratified by my worthy instructor
telling me that God was a spirit, and invisible, and that I could not speak,
act, or even think, but he was acquainted with it all; and that he saw me at
all times and in all places: but this I thought could hardly be true, as I
imagined God could certainly not see me in the dark.

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