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Fumihiko Maki

Couverture du livre « Fumihiko Maki » de  aux éditions Phaidon Press

Fumihiko Maki (b. 1928), who was honoured with a Pritzker Prize in 1993, is known for subtle but technologically innovative buildings that thoughtfully relate to the people who use them and to their surroundings. This volume includes over 40 key projects selected by Maki, each of which is... Voir plus

Fumihiko Maki (b. 1928), who was honoured with a Pritzker Prize in 1993, is known for subtle but technologically innovative buildings that thoughtfully relate to the people who use them and to their surroundings. This volume includes over 40 key projects selected by Maki, each of which is illustrated in detail and described by Maki himself, including analysis of how they have influenced his design thinking. Three prominent historians, Kenneth Frampton, David Stewart, and Mark Mulligan, have contributed essays on different aspects of Maki's life and work. The inclusion of a wide range of projects, from early experimental work to buildings under construction now, allows the reader to understand 50 years of the work of this master architect.

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