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Couverture du livre « Azizia » de Ange Gael Pambo Pambo N'Diaye aux éditions La Doxa
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : La Doxa
  • EAN : 9782917576618
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

Inspired by the social and cultural realities in some of our postcolonial African countries, this novel speaks up against the practice of ritual crimes among other common human sacrifices, whereof children and women are mostly the victims. Azizia is the story of a fatality of a destiny, of a... Voir plus

Inspired by the social and cultural realities in some of our postcolonial African countries, this novel speaks up against the practice of ritual crimes among other common human sacrifices, whereof children and women are mostly the victims. Azizia is the story of a fatality of a destiny, of a life - the story of a woman named Innocent, whose body is violated, mutilated, and sentenced to be sacrificed by her husband for his social and professional ambitions. A tale of horrors and injustices lived by a woman; Azizia also reveals the intimacy of an experience that sometimes lies beyond the speakable.

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