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Africa religiosity and africa development: - understanding africa traditional religion and its effec

Couverture du livre « Africa religiosity and africa development: - understanding africa traditional religion and its effec » de Ampadu Christopher aux éditions Editions Universitaires Europeennes

It is widely known that Africa as a continent is enormously blessed with massive natural and human resource endowments and capacity. However, this blessed continent is confronted with poverty, hunger, deprivations, unemployment and diseases. For years, international aid and development agencies... Voir plus

It is widely known that Africa as a continent is enormously blessed with massive natural and human resource endowments and capacity. However, this blessed continent is confronted with poverty, hunger, deprivations, unemployment and diseases. For years, international aid and development agencies have tried to deal with Africa's problems with limited success thinking that aid, donations and loans will help solve Africa's problems. While these assistances had helped to some extent, in some respect, it has also impoverished Africans. This is because most of the nations' now depend on foreign aid to meet their budget deficits instead of working hard to solve their own problems. Several solutions to Africa numerous problems have been suggested, proposed and implemented but most of these problems still persist with very little impact. Religion has never been considered as a credible factor in research as far as the economic development of Africa is concerned even though Africans are very religious in everything they do. Effective and transformational evangelism will position Africans appropriately to enable them lead their own development.

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