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Who am I?

Couverture du livre « Who am I? » de Reiss Steven aux éditions Penguin Group Us
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What do we want? What makes us tick? From acceptance to vengeance to curiosity, this book explains the 16 basic and universal desires that shape our behavior-'and shows how the ways we prioritize them determines our personalities. Grounded in up-to-date psychological research, this book can help... Voir plus

What do we want? What makes us tick? From acceptance to vengeance to curiosity, this book explains the 16 basic and universal desires that shape our behavior-'and shows how the ways we prioritize them determines our personalities. Grounded in up-to-date psychological research, this book can help parents comprehend their childrens needs and behavior couples understand each other better employers motivate their employees employees become more effective in their work YOU achieve greater satisfaction and happiness in life

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