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Urbanaccion 07/09 /Anglais/Espagnol

Couverture du livre « Urbanaccion 07/09 /Anglais/Espagnol » de Mendez De Andes Ana aux éditions Actar
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Actar
  • EAN : 9788496917613
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier
  • Nombre de pages : 417
  • Collection : (-)
  • Genre : (-)
  • Thème : Non attribué
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

This book collects various actions and proposals of intervention in urban space gathered by the Urbanación organization (Ana Méndez de Andés, Pablo Sáiz and Michael Moradiellos) along with La Casa Encendida, developed between 2007 and 2009. It also includes the projects of urban intervention and... Voir plus

This book collects various actions and proposals of intervention in urban space gathered by the Urbanación organization (Ana Méndez de Andés, Pablo Sáiz and Michael Moradiellos) along with La Casa Encendida, developed between 2007 and 2009. It also includes the projects of urban intervention and appropriation carried out in different parts of the world by raumlabor, Recetas Urbanas/Santiago Cirujeda, Vazio S/A, aaa (atelier d'architecture autogérée), Einfach/Mehrfach (Vienna), Green Guerrillas, Cascoland, Bruit du frigo and [R]activa04, with theoretical texts by Merijn Oudenampsen, Katja Szymczak, Klaus Obermeyer, Stany Cambot and Gil Doron; the result of workshops by Carlos Teixeira, Lara Almarcegui, raumlabor, Esterni and Pied la Biche, as well as the winning and finalist projects of the urbanacción2 contest.

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