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Underground To Canada

Couverture du livre « Underground To Canada » de Barbara Smucker aux éditions Children Pbs
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Taken away from her mother by a ruthless slave trader, all Julilly has left is the dream of freedom. Every day that she spends huddled in the slave traders wagon travelling south or working on the brutal new plantation, she thinks about the land where it is possible to be free, a land she and... Voir plus

Taken away from her mother by a ruthless slave trader, all Julilly has left is the dream of freedom. Every day that she spends huddled in the slave traders wagon travelling south or working on the brutal new plantation, she thinks about the land where it is possible to be free, a land she and her friend Liza may reach someday. So when workers from the Underground Railroad offer to help the two girls escape, they are ready. But the slave catchers and their dogs will soon be after them

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