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Kitchen gardens of france

Couverture du livre « Kitchen gardens of france » de  aux éditions Thames & Hudson

Kitchen gardens are a long-standing French tradition. Each region has areas which - depending on climate, terrain and design - boast a range of vegetables, fruit, flowers and herbs. This volume seeks to rediscover old-fashioned gardening techniques and obscure produce in an exploration of... Voir plus

Kitchen gardens are a long-standing French tradition. Each region has areas which - depending on climate, terrain and design - boast a range of vegetables, fruit, flowers and herbs. This volume seeks to rediscover old-fashioned gardening techniques and obscure produce in an exploration of authentic vegetable gardens growing alongside chateaux or abbeys, small family plots, romantic gardens tended by parish priests, gourmet gardens planned by master chefs and ornamental gardens. The book is divided into four main sections, covering stately homes, country houses, dreams and utopias and garden produce, illuminating the history of the French countryside. Photographs reflect the colour and diversity of vegetable gardens from Paris to the Alps.

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