Lovecraft comme vous ne l'avez jamais lu, à travers une sélection de lettres qui rend son univers encore plus complexe et fascinant
Chris Hani's assassination in 1993 gave rise to one of South Africa's great imponderables: if he had survived, what impact would he have had on politics and government in South Africa? More pointedly, could this charismatic leader have risen to become president of the country? Hani was a hero of South Africa's liberation, a communist party leader and Umkhonto we Sizwe chief of staff who was both intellectual and fighter, a man who could inspire an army but carried a book of poetry in his backpack. Hani led MK into its earliest battles, and carved a formidable reputation as a thinker, debater and peacemaker. Hani: A Life Too Short tells the story of Hani's life, from his childhood in rural Transkei and education at Fort Hare University to the controversial Memorandum of 1969, the crisis in the ANC camps in Angola in the 1980s and the heady dawn of freedom. Drawing on interviews and the recollections of those who knew him, this vividly written book provides a detailed account of the life of a great South African.
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Lovecraft comme vous ne l'avez jamais lu, à travers une sélection de lettres qui rend son univers encore plus complexe et fascinant
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Ambassadrice passionnée du Prix Orange du Livre, Joëlle nous a quittés jeudi 29 août
Après "Celle qui parle", l'autrice nous embarque dans un road-trip en compagnie d'un couple qui bat de l'aile