Ce road-movie intimiste est l'une des BD à ne pas manquer en cette rentrée
The fallout of the global financial crisis - ongoing recessions, rising government debts, and record levels of unemployment - has lead many to fundamentally question the role the finance industry plays in economies worldwide, with the most stinging criticism levelled at the practices of investment bankers. Lord Hart, former chairman of Erste Frankfurter Grossbank, provides a timely insider's analysis of investment banking in the twenty-first century, offering no easy answers and several revelatory new perspectives on this hotly-debated subject, including: how YOU are responsible for the financial crisis; why bonuses are good for EVERYONE and why bankers will ALWAYS come out on top. Hart's no-holds-barred analysis will be sure to upset and dismay some and infuriate many others - but since when has that ever been a problem?
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Ce road-movie intimiste est l'une des BD à ne pas manquer en cette rentrée
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