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Future cities laboratory : indicia 03

Couverture du livre « Future cities laboratory : indicia 03 » de Stephen Cairns aux éditions Lars Muller

This third and final volume in the Indicia book series presents the results of the Future Cities Laboratory research program in the form of "actions" for sustainable city-making. It complements the first and second volumes of the series that respec- tively documented the research challenges and... Voir plus

This third and final volume in the Indicia book series presents the results of the Future Cities Laboratory research program in the form of "actions" for sustainable city-making. It complements the first and second volumes of the series that respec- tively documented the research challenges and approaches that prefigured these results. Read together, the three volumes chart the full arc and many productive eddies of the five-year programme and its mission to shape sustainable future cities.
Research results are presented as condensed actions that take the form of general principles, recommendations, practical guidelines, and rules of thumb. The actions are neither technical standards nor prescriptive check-lists but invitations to explore, test and refine research insights within the context in which the reader lives, works and acts. The credibility, salience and legitimacy of each action is underpinned by scientific publications (journal articles, books and exhibitions) presented in extensive footnotes and suggestions for further reading.

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