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Famous robberies : the world's most spectacular heists

Couverture du livre « Famous robberies : the world's most spectacular heists » de Julio Antonio Blasco et Soledad Romero aux éditions Dgv
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Dgv
  • EAN : 9783967047288
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

As one thief wrote on the armored vault of a bank he'd just emptied: Without weapons or violence and with no hate.

Stealing a world-famous piece of art from a museum or snatching diamonds under 24-hour surveillance: there is a certain fascination for impressive robberies. And the... Voir plus

As one thief wrote on the armored vault of a bank he'd just emptied: Without weapons or violence and with no hate.

Stealing a world-famous piece of art from a museum or snatching diamonds under 24-hour surveillance: there is a certain fascination for impressive robberies. And the world has seen some truly legendary ones.

Robberies tells the real adventures of those who walked through walls and did the impossible. It introduces the perpetrators of infamous hits like the Great Train Robbery, the Antwerp diamond heist, or the Citibank Hack. With chapters designed in retro-newspaper style, this book will fascinate children for historical events as much as for the investigations and reporting around them.

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