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Dear data

Couverture du livre « Dear data » de Lupi Georgia/Posavec aux éditions Penguin Uk
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Penguin Uk
  • EAN : 9781846149061
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

From an award-winning project comes an inspiring, collaborative book that makes data artistic, personal - and open to all Each week for a year, Giorgia and Stefanie sent each other a postcard describing what had happened to them during that week around a particular theme. But they didn't... Voir plus

From an award-winning project comes an inspiring, collaborative book that makes data artistic, personal - and open to all Each week for a year, Giorgia and Stefanie sent each other a postcard describing what had happened to them during that week around a particular theme. But they didn't write it, they drew it: a week of smiling, a week of apologies, a week of desires. Presenting their fifty-two cards, along with thoughts and ideas about the data-drawing process, Dear Data hopes to inspire you to draw, slow down and make connections with other people, to see the world through a new lens, where everything and anything can be a creative starting point for play and expression.

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