Ce road-movie intimiste est l'une des BD à ne pas manquer en cette rentrée
«Decisions, decisions..." Your best friend is getting married, and she's asked you to be her bridesmaid. So many decisions: for starters, do you ask the gorgeous mystery man you met online to come as your date? Or do you go solo to check out the talent? Once the country wedding weekend gets going, all kinds of adventures are on offer. Will you ditch your date? Duet with the dishy DJ? Dodge the disreputable best man? Or perhaps the rugged pilot you meet in the bar will open up unexpected erotic opportunities - and who knew the maid of (dis)honour had such a sultry streak? All this while dealing with the bachelorette party, the bride's jitters, the Dress From Hell, and more. Perhaps the most tempting option is to flee with a tall, dark stranger . or maybe an old friend surprises you with a sizzling encounter. You make the decisions - you choose the happy ending. It's your fantasy. Your rules.
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Ce road-movie intimiste est l'une des BD à ne pas manquer en cette rentrée
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