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Why They Cried

Couverture du livre « Why They Cried » de Greg Prato et Jim Hanas aux éditions Ecw Press
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  • Thème : Non attribué
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

Whether it's a report from the real Cannes or a young couple discovering that reading Jacques Derrida aloud can lull their child to sleep, Jim Hanas finds the strange in the everyday and the everyday in the strange.

Hanas writes a lean and powerful line that makes even absurd situations-a man... Voir plus

Whether it's a report from the real Cannes or a young couple discovering that reading Jacques Derrida aloud can lull their child to sleep, Jim Hanas finds the strange in the everyday and the everyday in the strange.

Hanas writes a lean and powerful line that makes even absurd situations-a man who cries professionally, a beauty queen leaving her slob boyfriend for an astronaut-seem painfully familiar.

Why They Cried answers its own question and the answer is funnier than you think.

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