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The Rich, the Ruthless and the Really Handsome: The Greek Tycoon's Defiant Bride - Tome 2

Couverture du livre « The Rich, the Ruthless and the Really Handsome: The Greek Tycoon's Defiant Bride - Tome 2 » de Graham Lynne et Natsu Momose aux éditions Harlequin K.k./softbank Creative Corp.
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Maribel has a crush on her cousin´s boyfriend, Leonidas, the Greek billionaire who constantly makes the tabloid headlines. She has a passionate one night stand with him, the day her cousin dies in a car crash! Maribel is convinced that she is nothing but a poor replacement for her cousin, yet... Voir plus

Maribel has a crush on her cousin´s boyfriend, Leonidas, the Greek billionaire who constantly makes the tabloid headlines. She has a passionate one night stand with him, the day her cousin dies in a car crash! Maribel is convinced that she is nothing but a poor replacement for her cousin, yet she can´t help feeling hopelessly destroyed by Leonidas´s cold goodbye the morning after their tryst. Two years later, she is unexpectedly reunited with Leonidas, but she has a secret that she can never reveal to him. She had given birth to his child. Now, the truth has leaked to the paparazzi and tabloids alike!

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