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Sons Of The Desert: Sheikh's Temptation - Tome 5

Couverture du livre « Sons Of The Desert: Sheikh's Temptation - Tome 5 » de Reiko Kishida et Sellers Alexandra aux éditions Harlequin K.k./softbank Creative Corp.
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Young Lanna is the daughter of the world's foremost multimillionaire, and because of that fact, she finds that all of the men who approach her are disgusting. She just wants to go somewhere where nobody knows who she is, and to finally meet somebody who will love her for her, not for her... Voir plus

Young Lanna is the daughter of the world's foremost multimillionaire, and because of that fact, she finds that all of the men who approach her are disgusting. She just wants to go somewhere where nobody knows who she is, and to finally meet somebody who will love her for her, not for her father's wealth. Enter Arash, an exchange student come to study at a British university. with purple eyes and a mysterious appearance, she believes that he's her destined love. However, it turns out that he's actually a prince from a desert country. Since their worlds are so different he tries to stop seeing her, but finds that he cannot free himself of his feelings for her. War arises in his homeland and he's called back. with no time left, they spend one last night together. "Love me," she says to him. But the next morning he leaves in a cold and distant manner! What has happened?

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