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Packing it in the easy way

Couverture du livre « Packing it in the easy way » de Allen Carr aux éditions Adult Pbs
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Adult Pbs
  • EAN : 9780141015170
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

After years of trying and failing to stop his one-hundred-a-day cigarette habit through every technique around, Allen Carr not only quit for good but created the Easyway to stop smoking. He followed this by writing the bestselling book on quitting as well as setting up a chain of clinics to help... Voir plus

After years of trying and failing to stop his one-hundred-a-day cigarette habit through every technique around, Allen Carr not only quit for good but created the Easyway to stop smoking. He followed this by writing the bestselling book on quitting as well as setting up a chain of clinics to help others in their goal to quit.

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