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Over the Sliprails

Couverture du livre « Over the Sliprails » de Lawson Henry aux éditions Ebookslib
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  • Thème : Non attribué
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

There were about a dozen of us jammed into the coach, on the box seat and hanging on to the roof and tailboard as best we could. We were shearers, bagmen, agents, a squatter, a cockatoo, the usual joker - and one or two professional spielers, perhaps. We were tired and stiff and nearly frozen... Voir plus

There were about a dozen of us jammed into the coach, on the box seat and hanging on to the roof and tailboard as best we could. We were shearers, bagmen, agents, a squatter, a cockatoo, the usual joker - and one or two professional spielers, perhaps. We were tired and stiff and nearly frozen - too cold to talk and too irritable to risk the inevitable argument which an interchange of ideas would have led up to

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