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Love for All Seasons

Couverture du livre « Love for All Seasons » de Innes-Kent Suzanne aux éditions Penguin Books Ltd Digital
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Creating lasting love is as popular as it ever was, and yet it often seems hard to achieve in a world of constant change. This is a book which faces the real issues of everyday living and provides a hopeful message for couples who want to make their love last and face life together.

Overcoming... Voir plus

Creating lasting love is as popular as it ever was, and yet it often seems hard to achieve in a world of constant change. This is a book which faces the real issues of everyday living and provides a hopeful message for couples who want to make their love last and face life together.

Overcoming jealousy, coping with major loss, surviving the effects of overwork or of losing a job, being a parent and a couple at the same time &- this book provides thoughtful and practical ideas on these and many other issues.

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