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Into the Harem

Couverture du livre « Into the Harem » de Akbar Del Piombo aux éditions Disruptive Publishing
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Remember the KAMA SUTRA? Well, here it is Akbar Del Piombo style. One day you're in the neighborhood bar somewhere in Mass., U.S.A. and before you can say HAREM SCAREM you're doing the Sultan a big favor in Istanbul.
It could only happen to Akbar, the Groucho Marx of erotica. INTO THE HAREM is... Voir plus

Remember the KAMA SUTRA? Well, here it is Akbar Del Piombo style. One day you're in the neighborhood bar somewhere in Mass., U.S.A. and before you can say HAREM SCAREM you're doing the Sultan a big favor in Istanbul.
It could only happen to Akbar, the Groucho Marx of erotica. INTO THE HAREM is an erotic funfest in the most classical manner.

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