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Industrial engineering and production management (JESA VOLUME 32 N°4 juin 1998

Couverture du livre « Industrial engineering and production management (JESA VOLUME 32 N°4 juin 1998 » de Alain Guinet aux éditions Hermes Science Publications
  • Nombre de pages : 136
  • Collection : (-)
  • Genre : Entreprise
  • Thème : Entreprise
  • Prix littéraire(s) : (-)

IEPM'97 (International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management) took place in Lyon (France) from 20 until 24 October 1997. The special issue of the Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés is dedicated to Production Scheduling and Control. Eight papers have been selected... Voir plus

IEPM'97 (International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management) took place in Lyon (France) from 20 until 24 October 1997. The special issue of the Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés is dedicated to Production Scheduling and Control. Eight papers have been selected by the reviewers and have been improved again by referee process.

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