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Hydrogen, the post-oil fuel ?

Couverture du livre « Hydrogen, the post-oil fuel ? » de  aux éditions Technip
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Technip
  • EAN : 9782710809845
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

Hydrogen, energy vector for the future? Or, on the contrary, limited to its current applications in the field of chemistry and refining for decades to come, possibly even until the end of the century? There is much controversy over this issue and two sides to the argument. Advocates of the... Voir plus

Hydrogen, energy vector for the future? Or, on the contrary, limited to its current applications in the field of chemistry and refining for decades to come, possibly even until the end of the century? There is much controversy over this issue and two sides to the argument. Advocates of the hydrogen civilisation consider that, following a technological revolution hydrogen will play a universal role alongside electricity as a substitute for fossil fuels, especially (but not only) in transport, leading to radical elimination of CO2 emissions. For the sceptics, and even outspoken opponents, hydrogen will remain restricted to its current applications due to the insoluble problems inherent to its generalised use, especially in transport.
This book highlights the increasing and inevitable role of "energy" hydrogen - as opposed to chemical hydrogen - in the key sectors of transport and "clean" electricity production. The first section is dedicated to current applications of energy hydrogen or those within reach in the not too distant future. The second section reviews the hydrogen production, distribution and storage technologies that are either commercially available or almost mature. The last section addresses the central issue of safety if hydrogen is to be used by the general public, before concluding on the short and medium term development perspectives of energy hydrogen.
This extensively documented book is intended for a wide audience including transport companies (road, air and waterway) and engine engineers as well as all those interested in the future of transport and fuels in the post-oil world.

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