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Education for african development

Couverture du livre « Education for african development » de Cole Lawalley aux éditions Editions Universitaires Europeennes

The African continent is growing much faster than before, but in the same time, there are major problems to be solved. African economies have been able to achieve and maintain a high growth, but now they must give priority to job creation. Education in Africa must be fully reviewed in the... Voir plus

The African continent is growing much faster than before, but in the same time, there are major problems to be solved. African economies have been able to achieve and maintain a high growth, but now they must give priority to job creation. Education in Africa must be fully reviewed in the context of the human capital and economic development agenda and take into account the needs of each country. It is crucial to have joint actions with other sectors, such as health, environment and employment, and a continuum support for Post-primary education is also needed in order to improve teaching quality, literacy and curricula. The lack of education coverage related to essential issues is a problem requiring public debates because discussions on teachers' performance, school curricula and educational reforms are central elements to improve school performances and to imagine employment opportunities for young people. Youth and their employment must be seen as a central element of the broader development agenda.

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