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Chassenon roman baths : Charence - France

Couverture du livre « Chassenon roman baths : Charence - France » de  aux éditions Geste
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Geste
  • EAN : 9782845612693
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

The baths at Chassenon are part of a major archaeological site that also includes three temples, a theatre and an acueduct, all once part of the Ancient Roman city of Cassinomagus which still lies buried under Chassenon and its environ today.

The buildings are exceptionally vell-preserved... Voir plus

The baths at Chassenon are part of a major archaeological site that also includes three temples, a theatre and an acueduct, all once part of the Ancient Roman city of Cassinomagus which still lies buried under Chassenon and its environ today.

The buildings are exceptionally vell-preserved with walls up to seven metres high in places. Visitors can therefore not only follow in the footsteps of Roman bathers as they moved from hot to cold baths but can also discover the technical running of the centre from service corridors and furnace yards below.

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