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Ballads to Animals : Volume II

Couverture du livre « Ballads to Animals : Volume II » de William Hayley aux éditions Culturea
  • Date de parution :
  • Editeur : Culturea
  • EAN : 9791041987740
  • Série : (-)
  • Support : Papier

"Ballads to Animals" by William Hayley unveils a lyrical menagerie, where the poetic verses become an ode to the untamed and cherished creatures that share our world. Published in the 18th century, Hayley's ballads serve as a testament to the poet's affection for the animal kingdom and his... Voir plus

"Ballads to Animals" by William Hayley unveils a lyrical menagerie, where the poetic verses become an ode to the untamed and cherished creatures that share our world. Published in the 18th century, Hayley's ballads serve as a testament to the poet's affection for the animal kingdom and his ability to infuse verse with a sense of reverence and admiration for nature's creations.

Within the pages of this collection, Hayley transforms his poetic canvas into a sanctuary where animals become the protagonists of enchanting tales. Each ballad is a lyrical portrait that captures the essence of a specific creature, whether it be the noble lion, the delicate butterfly, or the soaring bird. Through the rhythmic cadence of his verses, Hayley invites readers to embark on a journey through the diverse landscapes of the animal kingdom.

Unlike conventional ballads that may focus on human narratives, "Ballads to Animals" redirects the spotlight onto the non-human inhabitants of our planet. Hayley's verses celebrate the beauty, diversity, and often overlooked stories of the animal world, fostering a connection between readers and the creatures that share our ecosystems.

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