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A soldier of the legion

Couverture du livre « A soldier of the legion » de Manington George aux éditions Shs Editions

Sitting at the terrace of a well-known café , on the main boulevard of the French capital, some time ago, I happened to glance down the columns of a Parisian newspaper, and was struck by a realistic account of the re- cent combat at El-Moungar. After describing this action,a long, arduous, but... Voir plus

Sitting at the terrace of a well-known café , on the main boulevard of the French capital, some time ago, I happened to glance down the columns of a Parisian newspaper, and was struck by a realistic account of the re- cent combat at El-Moungar. After describing this action,a long, arduous, but successful defence of a convoy of arms and ammunition by a handful of men from the For- eign Legion against the repeated attacks of more than a thousand fanati- cal Moorish horsemen, the journalist expressed his admiration for the courage and disinterested devotion of which this corps has so often given proof.

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