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World War II Story & Uchrony. Military Vehicules

Couverture du livre « World War II Story & Uchrony. Military Vehicules » de Sylvain Menard aux éditions A.d.o.g
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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Real & Unreal Military Vehicles from the Second World War WWII fascinates us and this interest has been expanded upon by gamers who have introduced an alternate dimension which has allowed us some new perspectives on how the vehicles may have looked. This book of illustrations is dedicated to... Voir plus

Real & Unreal Military Vehicles from the Second World War WWII fascinates us and this interest has been expanded upon by gamers who have introduced an alternate dimension which has allowed us some new perspectives on how the vehicles may have looked. This book of illustrations is dedicated to those who are interested in military vehicles from WWII and an alternate WWII.
Despite their true or make believe nature - only modified or having really fought - they are a reflection of our interest in this rich historic period.

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