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Whose Past is it Anyway

Couverture du livre « Whose Past is it Anyway » de Collins Jude aux éditions History Press Digital
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  • Thème : Non attribué
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The next ten years - 2012-2022 - have been referred to as 'the decade of centenaries'. This book focuses on three of those centenaries: the signing of the Ulster Covenant (2012), the Easter Rising (2016) and the Battle of the Somme (2016). It consists of sixteen extended interviews with... Voir plus

The next ten years - 2012-2022 - have been referred to as 'the decade of centenaries'. This book focuses on three of those centenaries: the signing of the Ulster Covenant (2012), the Easter Rising (2016) and the Battle of the Somme (2016). It consists of sixteen extended interviews with politicians, artists and writers from the north and south of Ireland. (These have been re-written by the author in the style of 'A Life in the Day of' Sunday Times pieces). Among those interviewed are An Taoiseach Enda Kenny (Irish Prime Minister), Gregory Campbell MP, Ian Paisley Jr MP, the author Roddy Doyle, the artist Robert Ballagh, Bernadette McAliskey, Mary Lou McDonald and Danny Morrison. Each interview begins with some thoughts on the interviewee's background and introduction to politics; it goes on to explore their views on the significance of each of the historical events, how they might be commemorated, what opportunities and dangers these commemorations involve. While the core questions for each interview are the same, the responses are unique to each interviewee. Each interview, from these key figures, will be accompanied by a portrait image.

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