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White Bucks and Black-Eyed Peas

Couverture du livre « White Bucks and Black-Eyed Peas » de Marcus Mabry aux éditions Scribner
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Exploring what it means to be "young, black, and talented" in America--and the high cost of teetering precariously between two separate worlds--Mabry examines the twentysomething experience, and chronicles the rise of a young black man--from his ghetto childhood through his Stanford education to... Voir plus

Exploring what it means to be "young, black, and talented" in America--and the high cost of teetering precariously between two separate worlds--Mabry examines the twentysomething experience, and chronicles the rise of a young black man--from his ghetto childhood through his Stanford education to his emergence as one of Newsweek's bright, young stars.

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